Alternative approaches in JavaScript

It's a short article demonstrating alternative ways of writing some of the tradition JavaScript codes.

The old of converting Number-Strings

let num = 10;

let newNum = num.toString();

let str = "10"

let strNum = Number(str)

The alternative way for converting Number-Strings

let num = 10;

let newNum = num + "" // converts to String

let str = "10";

let strNum = +str // converts to Number

Swap two values

let a = 1, b = 2;

let t = a;
a = b;
b = a;

Alternate way for swapping two values using Destructuring

let a = 1, b = 2;

[b,a] = [a,b]

The alternative of .map() : An alternative of .map() is .from()

const person = [
                { name: 'Rakesh', age:13},
                { name: 'Abhishek', age:15},
                { name: 'Ritesh', age:18},
                { name: 'Ankur', age:17},

const displayPerson = Array.from(person, ({name})=> name);


// Output : ["Rakesh", "Abhishek", "Ritesh", "Ankur"]

Hope this article can be of some help . Thanks !!